It's saturday hahai, it means i'm miss 2 days of my schedule
One of them is the so far the most stressful night in my life, my plan didn't work like my plan.
The other one is when i became so tired after trip to my hometown.
Now, i fell like released from a heavy burden on my back
And i ask myself : Now, What ?
This 4 months really make me exhausted especially the last one, i didn't get enough sleep, enough study for semester exam and enough bathing :p
During that period, the only thing in my head is just how to fulfill the requirement to be able to graduated
Now that the harddest part have passed, i can relax for a bit, i didn't have to think about it 24/7
But i feel that i have lost some purpose of life
It's strange, but i enjoy all the pressure. It makes me feel alive,
and now i have lost that feel,
i tried to focus on learning aftereffect or guitar but i didn't feel as excited as that project.
My flow progress had stuck too
I tried to find that thing, that make me excited, make me alive, improve myself, improve my flow, improve my social circle, build my reputation, build my confidence, and respect by others
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